Tuesday, November 6, 2018

6 Ways to Lose More Weight After You Are Over 20

With the passage of time, our metabolism tends to slow down, which makes it harder for us to lose weight. Why does this happen? After age 20, the muscle mass of human body decreases by 2% per year. But if you are over 20 and you still want to lose weight, use the following tips. Read on.

1. Weight train

With muscle loss, your metabolism slows down. If you want to maintain your muscle, you may want to exercise on a daily basis. You can go for weight training and resistance training, for instance. All you have to do is engage your muscle so as to prevent the loss. Some good exercises include yoga and push-ups.

2. Get enough calories

Most people think reducing calorie consumption helps with weight loss, but this is not true. If you don't eat enough food, your body won't have enough energy for maintenance. Therefore, you may want to get enough calories.

3. Don't skip meals

You may not want to skip any meals as it helps your body burn fuel in an effective manner. Ideally, eating three meals on a daily basis is a good idea. If you skip meals, your body won't have enough energy to burn. As a result, you may get weaker, which will have a negative impact on your immune system. A weak immune system may invite many diseases.

4. Eat enough protein.

If you want to boost your metabolism while maintaining your muscle mass, make sure your meals have enough protein. For instance, if you are a woman and you weigh 150 pounds, you may want to get around 86 grams of protein on a daily basis.

Here it's important to keep in mind that the protein should come from quality sources like fish, beans, and lean meats. Protein helps you balance your blood sugar levels. This helps you prevent weight gain, and you will stay full for a longer period of time.

5. Drink water

According to research, if you are not hydrated, your body won't be able to burn as many as it should. Therefore, it's very important that you drink water during the day. As a matter of fact, dehydration can lead to serious health issues, especially in summer when you really need a lot water.

6. Check your hormone levels

If you are a woman, you can get in touch with a good doctor to get your hormone level examined. Actually, if the levels are not good, it can affect post-menopausal women's weight.

After a thorough check-up, your doctor will let you know if you really need to make an effort to level your hormones. After consultation, make sure you follow the advice of the doctor to lose weight fast.

So, if you are over 20 and you have been trying to shed the extra pounds as fast as possible, we suggest that you follow the 6 tips given above. This way you will be more likely to lose weight and get a slimmer physique.

6 Tips for Burning Fat on Busy Days

We have all had those hectic days when it seems like the to-do list is just never going to come to an end. However, no matter how busy we get in our lives it is to still impotent to stick to our long-term goals like losing a bit of weight. You see losing weight is much like an aeroplane taking off - it doesn't work if slows down at the end!

At the same time though, eating healthy for weight loss doesn't have to be complicated as long as we make sure to plan ahead and anticipate the hectic days in our schedule. One convenient trick I have always used is to keep convenient healthy snacks with me! This way I never feel the urge to binge on unnecessary excess calories.

Here are 6 tips for healthy meals on busy days:

Family time

Always make sure that you have at least one meal of the day with your family that isn't rushed. This promotes family bonding and let's be honest, when you are not rushed to get to your next appointment it is easier to have a healthy meal!

A family meal can be any meal of the day, not necessarily just dinner. Just be sure to be flexible with what time the meal starts as not everyone will have the same schedule every day!

Be prepared

In order to save time, cook ahead. Cook several meals in advance and keep them in the freezer until you need them! For example you can always cook pasta one night and have only a portion of it warm leaving the rest over for the next day as pasta salad.

Keep ingredients that make simple meals.

By keeping it simple when you don't have time, you won't have the urge to buy unhealthy junk food from a takeaway joint! Here are some ingredients that make simple meals:

• 100 Percent whole-wheat bread

• Lean deli meats, salsa

• Canned dried beans

• Low-fat or fat-free yogurt and cheese.

• Whole-wheat pasta

• Fresh and frozen vegetables

• Fresh and canned fruits

Convenience and health

There is such a massive health drive these days, that convenient snacks that used to be packed with calories are now being replaced with healthier alternatives! For example if you are feeling hungry you can always pick up a protein bar at the shops that doesn't contain any fat whatsoever!

Simplify your life

Save time during meal preparations by keeping pre-cut fruit and veg in the fridge. Fresh fruit will always be the best option but, canned fruit will work just as well! Just make sure that the canned fruit is not the sugary syrup kind, and wash the fruit before you consume it in order to reduce the sodium content.

Keep a menu of simple meals

These meals should take 20 minutes or less to prepare. This is a really handy idea when you don't have any time during your hectic busy days!

Loosing weight isn't something that you do only when you feel like it! It is something that you do every day, whether you feel like it or not! It is simple, set yourself up for success by planning ahead and you will be on the correct path to lose that stubborn excess body fat.

Justin has been a part of the weight loss industry for a number of years, first as a consumer and now as a teacher. In his own words he says, "I used to be overweight until people started making rude comments and that is when decided that enough is enough, and lost the weight for good!" He has been at his goal weight for the last 10 years and has never looked back!

Things You Need To Know About Weight Loss

The internet is full of information about weight loss, and if you try to go through all the information, your head will start spinning. This article doesn't revolve around weight loss tips. Instead, it lets you know some general things that you need to know about weight loss. Read on.

1) Make a commitment

As the first month of the year approaches, most people promise themselves to lose weight. For a few days, they go for a morning jogging and stay away from fast food. But they get back to their old routine after a while.

What we mean is that if you really want to lose weight, you have to have a lifelong commitment. Moreover, even after you got that slim body, you still have to stay away from fast food and eat only healthy stuff. Moreover, you should make it part of your routine to exercise.

2) Diet Matters a lot

There is no doubt that exercise can help you get slimmer, but if you don't avoid junk food, you will gain that weight back again. On the other hand, if you opt for healthy diet only, you will see amazing results before long. What you need to do is buy natural foods, not processed foods.

3) Go Beyond Cardio Workouts

Do you want to look great? If so, your body composition should be important to you. Therefore, you may want to go beyond cardio workouts. Like cardio workouts, resistance workouts carry a lot of importance in the here and now. As a matter of fact, these workouts tend to tone your body and rid you of the extra fat. They include bench presses, squats or pushups.

4) Stay Committed

For losing weight and staying healthy, you may want to stay healthy. What does this mean? This means that you have to do a lot of hard work. You don't want to make excuses when it's time to do your workouts. As a matter of fact, the best time for this is when you don't really want to do it.

Aside from this, you also need to have a commitment to eat healthy. You may want to stay committed to lose weight and look better.

5) Mix Things Up

At times, it is easy to adopt new habits and patterns. Sometimes, mixing things up can also give you great results. For instance, you can do an exercise that you have never done before. Or you can eat a meal that you have never tasted before. So, It's a good idea to do something new to make your commitment a bit more fun.

6) Be Active Throughout the Day

You need to have the required energy to do your workouts and meet the goals. The good news is that you can burn around 500 calories just by being a little more active throughout the day. So, don't sit idle and stay active during the day.

So, these are 6 things that you should consider when losing weight. Hope this article is helpful.

Surprising Ways To Lose Weight

Of course, there are a lot of tried and tested way of getting healthier; your goal should be to go for fewer calories without giving a boost to your metabolism or developing muscle. However, this article has some tricks that can help you get healthier so you can be as slim as you want. Read on.

Raise your activity level

If you have an office job and you have to sit at your desk most of the day, your activity level may be too low. If you increase your activity level, you will be able to develop your body and lead a happier life.

So, it's a good idea to step away from the desk every 2 hours and have a quick walk. This is the easiest way of building up your activity level.

Limit your consumption of soda and alcohol

What do you do to maintain your energy level in the afternoon? Most people go for a soda for this purpose. As a matter of fact, this choice does increase your calories but these calories are kind of "empty" as they add no nutrition to your system. These calories become part of fat in your body. So, it's a good idea to avoid soda and alcohol if you want to lose a few pounds.

Do a quick workout in your break time

What do you do in your break time? If you are like most people, maybe you spend that time checking your Twitter and Facebook accounts. What you need to do is do a workout at your desk. This will help you stay fresh and keep your head engaged.

Target difficult areas

Some areas of your body are not easy to change back. For instance, if you are struggling to lose that belly fat, you will find it even harder to repair your body. Luckily, science offers a lot easier ways of repair your body and coolsculpting is of those procedures.

Don't go for "low-calories"

You can find a lot of junk foods in the market that are marked as low-calorie foods. Keep in mind that they may not be an ideal choice if you want to lose weight. Instead, what you need to do is replace your snacks with peanut butter and crackers.

It's a good idea to replace one snack per day. Changing your whole diet at once is not a good idea as you may get frustrated and overwhelmed.

Build muscle

If you don't try to build muscle, you won't be able to maintain your metabolism. Therefore, trainers recommend that you increase your calorie intake while losing weight. As a matter of fact, you need energy in order to build muscle and get healthier.

So, even if you have one session with your personal trainer, it will be greatly helpful. What you need to do is know what you need to do in order to change your body. Actually, whatever you do, you may want to consider the impact. You may want to consider the pros and cons of each strategy before proceeding.

Hopefully, these methods will help you lose weight and get a slimmer body.

Surprising Fat Burning Foods

Losing weight does not end with your sessions at the gym - it is a lifestyle. You have to make sure that once you lose weight, you keep it off permanently. This means that you should be more conscious with your food choices. Did you know that some foods could actually help you lose weight? It turns out that losing weight is not always about starving yourself by sticking to unrealistic diets that make no sense. You can still feel satiated and burn more body fat at the same time. Here are the top 6 surprising fat burning foods to help you lose weight.

1. Apples

An apple a day could mean a leaner you. Eating just one apple is enough to make you feel full. Moreover, apples are rich in fiber especially pectin. Studies have shown that consumption of pectin results in the emptying of the stomach at double the speed it would normally take after consumption of other forms of fiber. Also, pectin restricts the absorption of fat by body cells. Apples also have polyphenols that are responsible for the activation of the fat-burning genes. They are rich in antioxidants, which also help in the elimination of fat from the body.

2. Pineapples

Pineapples are your intestines' best friends. They are rich in bromelain, which is an enzyme that aids in digestion and elimination of wastes from your intestines. They are not just big juicy fruits with a rough exterior, a crown, and a fleshy interior. If you are serious about burning body fat, eating pineapple more regularly is a good starting point. Moreover, pineapples are catabolic foods - meaning that they require more calories from your body to digest than they contain to eat.

3. Coconut oil

Coconut oil has many benefits to the body. In fact, pure coconut oil can be used to nourish your skin thus leaving it healthy. Coconut oil is a rich natural fat that is healthy for consumption. This is because once it is consumed, it is directly converted to fuel for use by the body rather than being stored. It is a better and healthier alternative to vegetable oils.

4. Cabbage

Our list of surprising fat-burning foods wouldn't be complete without mentioning vegetables. Cabbage is an amazing fat-burning food due to its high dietary fiber content. Moreover, it provides satiety and improves your digestion. It also helps in healing your gut while still managing your weight. The chemicals responsible for these gut-healing properties are called isothiocyanates.

5. Legumes

Chickpeas are the best example in this context since they are rich in dietary fiber, improve your digestion and also improve your gut health.

6. Avocados

Avocados are not just rich in fiber but they also contain monounsaturated fats, which are a much better alternative to the more common saturated fats. They also help in reducing abdominal fat. The best part about consuming avocados is that you don't have to get fancy with it. All you have to do is slice it in half and eat your way to a leaner you!

Staying healthy and keeping fit doesn't always mean battling through tasteless meals and starving yourself. You can actually eat tasty meals and still burn fat. All you have to do is throw in any of these 6 surprising fat burning foods, enjoy your meals and let them work their magic.